Trade when they trade

Embark on your copy trading journey with FXT CopyPro, where traders and strategy providers unite to redefine the trading landscape. Join a vibrant community of investors and skilled traders, harnessing the power of collective wisdom to elevate your trading experience like never before.

Real traders, real trades. Copy every move.

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What is FXT CopyPro

FXT CopyPro is a feature that allows traders to copy other traders on autopilot. Find traders that have the stats you want, copy them to your account and enjoy!

How Does FXT CopyPro Trading Work?

Simply searching the traders and find the trader you want to copy. Allocate the funds you wish to copy with in your account and click Copy!

Easy 3 steps process:

Start FXT CopyPro
Step 1


Step 2


Step 3


Find your prefered traders

Search through top traders in the leaderboard area

Check out their performance

Found a trader you like the look of? Look at their performance and enjoy copying the trades they take.

Choose the investment amount

Allocate fixed amounts per trade or copy on a percentage basis.

Happy with your Trader?

Confirm the trader you want to copy, allocate the funds and set the risk. Now you're ready to enjoy FXT CopyPro.

Want More Control?

Take control over trades and set your own stop loss and take profit settings and control each trade in your Trade Menu.

FXT CopyPro does the rest

Once you`ve confirmed your settings, the FXT CopyPro alogrithm will mirror your trader as they trade, in real-time.

When an order fits your pre-set parameters, it will be copied instantly to your account, provided you have enough funds. You can see any skipped trades which were missed due to insufficient funds in your FXT CopyPro menu.

There`s no limits to the traders you can copy. Found 3 or 4 traders with amazing results? You can copy all of them if you choose. Easily pause your copying activity if you need to.

User feedback about FXT CopyPro

Stephen Brooks

FXT CopyProの機能を使い始めてから、私の投資人生は良い方向へ向かい始めました。取引の経験や知識が不足している私のような者にとって、これはとても画期的なことです。このプラットフォームにより、優れた投資家の取引を自動でコピーすることができ、彼らの専門知識から利益を得るチャンスをもらうことができました。安定した利益を見て得ることができ、私のポートフォリオは大きく成長しました。FXTのコピートレードは、市場調査を広範に行う必要がなく、スマートな投資判断を行いたい人々にとって、本当に強力なツールです。

Henry Newton

日々忙しい私にとって、投資を積極的に管理することは常に難しいと感じており、そんな中でFXT CopyProの機能を見つけました。まるで専門のトレーダーチームが24時間、私のために働いているかのようで、トレーダーのパフォーマンスに基づいてコピーしたいトレーダーを選ぶだけで、その他の部分はFXT CopyProが全てやってくれます。始めるまでの設定もスムーズで、彼らのパフォーマンスやポートフォリオ構成を確認できるので透明性の点から考えてもとてもありがたいです。FXT CopyProのおかげで、投資で利益を得ながら、さらに仕事に集中することができるようになりました。

James Haney

私は長い間Fxtrading.comを利用していますが、彼らのコピートレーディング機能は私にとって画期的なものでした。ポートフォリオを多様化できるだけでなく、成功したトレーダーから学ぶこともできました。簡単なアクセスで、経験豊富な投資家の情報を見て彼らの戦略を分析することができ、自分の投資目標と一致するものを選ぶことができます。彼らの取引をリアルタイムで自動コピーする機能により、私の取引パフォーマンスは大幅に向上しました。FxtradingのFXT copyproは、経験豊富なトレーダーだけでなく初心者のトレーダーにとっても、投資をより身近に、そして有益なものにしてくれました。

Follow Top Traders and Copy their strategies direct to your account with FXT CopyPro

Their trades on your account.

Join thousands of other traders enjoying the autopilot strategy of copy trading, as traders who have already mastered their craft offer their skills in the FXT CopyPro service


Profits generated by our top 10 traders for their copiers during the last month


Average win ratio of FXT 10 most profitable traders

Master the Trader Statistics

When you copy a trader, it’s important to know the result of their trading and what to expect in terms of how often they profit and how much they profit.

Use a range of statistics and data to help you choose your preferred trader and strategy to copy.

Helpful statistics include:

Profit %

The end result, the profit percentage of the strategy to date.

Positions Traded

Number of trades made in the strategy.

Profitable %

Trades that have been profitable out of the total trade.

Profitable Days %

The percentage of days that the trader is profitable.

Recovery Factor

Net profit divided by max drawdown. This should typically be larger than 1.

Why use statistics

Using additional statistics on top of simply looking at return can help you determine if the strategy fits your needs, patience and risk tolerance. For example, some investors may struggle to copy a trader that loses most days but is profitable overall. This would mean they have a couple of really big winning days but lose a little bit most days.

Strategies with a low number of trades may indicate they are either very accurate in their decisions, are a new account or perhaps don’t trade enough for the investors’ liking.

How to Get Started









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