Deposits & Withdrawals

We maximise ease and convenience for our clients by offering a broad range of funding methods via our secure client portal. Deposit and withdraw your funds with FXT whenever and wherever you find it convenient or necessary

Deposit Options

Credit Cards
Funding Option Available Currencies Fees Minimum Deposit Time Deposit
All Popular Currencies Covered by us Min. 50 USD or equivalent value in other currency Instant Deposit
USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, THB, VND,MYR, IDR Covered by us Min. 50 USD or equivalent value in other currency Instant Deposit
USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, THB, VND,MYR, IDR Covered by us Min. 50 USD or equivalent value in other currency Instant Deposit
Electronic Payment
Funding Option Available Currencies Fees Minimum Deposit Time Deposit
USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, CAD 1.5% Min. 50 USD or equivalent value in other currency Instant Deposit
CNY Covered by us Min. 500 USD Instant Deposit
THB, VND, MYR, IDR Covered by us Min. 50 USD Instant Deposit
USD Covered by us Min. 50 USD Instant Deposit
Coming Soon
International Bank Wire Transfer
Funding Option Available Currencies Fees Minimum Deposit Time Deposit
USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, CAD, HKD, JPY, NZD, SGD Depend on the bank Min. 50 USD or equivalent value in other currency 2-3 Days Deposit
USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, CAD, HKD, JPY, NZD, SGD Depend on the bank Min. 50 USD or equivalent value in other currency 2-3 Days Deposit
SGD, USD, HKD, CAD, CNH, JPY, AED, AUD, BND, CHF, DKK, EUR, GBP, IDR, NZD, NOK, SEK, THB, and ZAR Depend on the bank Min. 50 USD or equivalent value in other currency 2-3 Days Deposit
Local Bank Transfer
Funding Option Available Currencies Fees Minimum Deposit Time Deposit
USD, AUD, HKD, SGD, VND, MYR, IDR Covered by us Min. 50 USD or equivalent value in other currency 1-2 Days Deposit
Credit Cards
Funding Option
Available Currencies All Popular Currencies
Fees Covered by us
Minimum Deposit Min. 50 USD or equivalent value in other currency
Time Instant
Deposit Deposit
Funding Option
Available Currencies USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, THB, VND,MYR, IDR
Fees Covered by us
Minimum Deposit Min. 50 USD or equivalent value in other currency
Time Instant
Deposit Deposit
Funding Option
Available Currencies USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, THB, VND,MYR, IDR
Fees Covered by us
Minimum Deposit Min. 50 USD or equivalent value in other currency
Time Instant
Deposit Deposit
Electronic Payment
Funding Option
Available Currencies USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, CAD
Fees 1.5%
Minimum Deposit Min. 50 USD or equivalent value in other currency
Time Instant
Deposit Deposit
Funding Option
Available Currencies CNY
Fees Covered by us
Minimum Deposit Min. 50 USD
Time Instant
Deposit Deposit
Funding Option
Available Currencies THB, VND, MYR, IDR
Fees Covered by us
Minimum Deposit Min. 50 USD
Time Instant
Deposit Deposit
Funding Option
Available Currencies USD
Fees Covered by us
Minimum Deposit Min. 50 USD
Time Instant
Deposit Deposit
Funding Option
Coming Soon
International Bank Wire Transfer
Funding Option
Available Currencies USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, CAD, HKD, JPY, NZD, SGD
Fees Depend on the bank
Minimum Deposit Min. 50 USD or equivalent value in other currency
Time 2-3 Days
Deposit Deposit
Funding Option
Available Currencies USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, CAD, HKD, JPY, NZD, SGD
Fees Depend on the bank
Minimum Deposit Min. 50 USD or equivalent value in other currency
Time 2-3 Days
Deposit Deposit
Funding Option
Available Currencies SGD, USD, HKD, CAD, CNH, JPY, AED, AUD, BND, CHF, DKK, EUR, GBP, IDR, NZD, NOK, SEK, THB, and ZAR
Fees Depend on the bank
Minimum Deposit Min. 50 USD or equivalent value in other currency
Time 2-3 Days
Deposit Deposit
Local Bank Transfer
Funding Option
Available Currencies USD, AUD, HKD, SGD, VND, MYR, IDR
Fees Covered by us
Minimum Deposit Min. 50 USD or equivalent value in other currency
Time 1-2 Days
Deposit Deposit

Withdrawal Options

Credit Cards
Withdrawal Option Available Currencies Fees Minimum Withdrawal Time Withdrawal
All Popular Currencies Covered by us Min. 50 USD or equivalent value in other currency Processed in 24 hours, reach your account 3-5 business days Withdrawal
USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, THB, VND, MYR, IDR Covered by us Min. 50 USD or equivalent value in other currency Processed in 24 hours, reach your account 3-5 business days Withdrawal
USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, THB, VND, MYR, IDR Covered by us Min. 50 USD or equivalent value in other currency Processed in 24 hours, reach your account 3-5 business days Withdrawal
Electronic Payment
Withdrawal Option Available Currencies Fees Minimum Withdrawal Time Withdrawal
USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, CAD 1.5% Min. 50 USD or equivalent value in other currency Processed in 24 hours, funds will reach your account immediately (not offered to EU clients). Withdrawal
USD TRC 5U, ERC 20U, OMNI 33U Min. 50 USD Processed in 24 hours, reach your account 1-2 business days Withdrawal
International Bank Wire Transfer
Withdrawal Option Available Currencies Fees Minimum Withdrawal Time Withdrawal
USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, CAD, HKD, JPY, NZD, SGD Depend on the bank Min. 50 USD or equivalent value in other currency Processed in 24 hours, reach your account in next 2-3 days Withdrawal
USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, CAD, HKD, JPY, NZD, SGD Depend on the bank Min. 50 USD or equivalent value in other currency Processed in 24 hours, reach your account in next 2-3 days Withdrawal
SGD, USD, HKD, CAD, CNH, JPY, AED, AUD, BND, CHF, DKK, EUR, GBP, IDR, NZD, NOK, SEK, THB, and ZAR Depend on the bank Min. 50 USD or equivalent value in other currency Processed in 24 hours, reach your account in next 2-3 days Withdrawal
Local Bank Transfer
Withdrawal Option Available Currencies Fees Minimum Withdrawal Time Withdrawal
USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, CAD Covered by us Min. 450 USD or equivalent value in other currency 1-2 Business Days Withdrawal
Local Bank Transfer
USD, SGD, HKD, CAD, CNH, JPY, AED, AUD, BND, CHF, DKK, EUR, GBP, IDR, NZD, NOK, SEK, THB, VND, MYR and ZAR Covered by us Min. 50 USD or equivalent value in other currency 1-2 Business Days Withdrawal
Credit Cards
Withdrawal Option
Available Currencies All Popular Currencies
Fees Covered by us
Minimum Withdrawal Min. 50 USD or equivalent value in other currency
Time Processed in 24 hours, reach your account 3-5 business days
Withdrawal Withdrawal
Withdrawal Option
Available Currencies USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, THB, VND, MYR, IDR
Fees Covered by us
Minimum Withdrawal Min. 50 USD or equivalent value in other currency
Time Processed in 24 hours, reach your account 3-5 business days
Withdrawal Withdrawal
Withdrawal Option
Available Currencies USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, THB, VND, MYR, IDR
Fees Covered by us
Minimum Withdrawal Min. 50 USD or equivalent value in other currency
Time Processed in 24 hours, reach your account 3-5 business days
Withdrawal Withdrawal
Electronic Payment
Withdrawal Option
Available Currencies USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, CAD
Fees Covered by us
Minimum Withdrawal Min. 50 USD or equivalent value in other currency
Time Processed in 24 hours, funds will reach your account immediately (not offered to EU clients).
Withdrawal Withdrawal
Withdrawal Option
Available Currencies USD
Fees TRC 5U, ERC 20U, OMNI 33U
Minimum Withdrawal Min. 50 USD
Time Processed in 24 hours, reach your account 1-2 business days
Withdrawal Withdrawal
International Bank Wire Transfer
Withdrawal Option
Available Currencies USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, CAD, HKD, JPY, NZD, SGD
Fees Depend on the bank
Minimum Withdrawal Min. 50 USD or equivalent value in other currency
Time Processed in 24 hours, reach your account in next 2-3 days
Withdrawal Withdrawal
Withdrawal Option
Available Currencies USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, CAD, HKD, JPY, NZD, SGD
Fees Depend on the bank
Minimum Withdrawal Min. 50 USD or equivalent value in other currency
Time Processed in 24 hours, reach your account in next 2-3 days
Withdrawal Withdrawal
Withdrawal Option
Available Currencies SGD, USD, HKD, CAD, CNH, JPY, AED, AUD, BND, CHF, DKK, EUR, GBP, IDR, NZD, NOK, SEK, THB, and ZAR
Fees Depend on the bank
Minimum Withdrawal Min. 50 USD or equivalent value in other currency
Time Processed in 24 hours, reach your account in next 2-3 days
Withdrawal Withdrawal
Local Bank Transfer
Withdrawal Option
Available Currencies USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, CAD
Fees Covered by us
Minimum Withdrawal Min. 50 USD or equivalent value in other currency
Time 1-2 Business Days
Withdrawal Withdrawal
Withdrawal Option
Local Bank Transfer
Fees Covered by us
Minimum Withdrawal Min. 50 USD or equivalent value in other currency
Time 1-2 Business Days
Withdrawal Withdrawal

“Stay Focused, Stay Driven” —

Do you know the cost of trading is one of the key factors to trading success?

How to Deposit Funds?


Log in

to the 'Client Portal' and click on the Deposits button



the deposit method


Enter the amount

you wish to deposit and submit the request


Start Trading


Log in

to the 'Client Portal' and click on the Deposits button



the deposit method


Enter the amount

you wish to deposit and submit the request


Start Trading

How to Withdraw Funds?


Log in

to the 'Client Portal' and click on the Deposits button



the withdrawal method and type in your account details


Enter the amount

you wish to withdraw and submit the request


The requested amount

will be deducted from your trading account and sent to you


Log in

to the 'Client Portal' and click on the Deposits button



the withdrawal method and type in your account details


Enter the amount

you wish to withdraw and submit the request


The requested amount

will be deducted from your trading account and sent to you


계정으로 자금을 어떻게 입금하나요?

클라이언트 포털을 통해 다양한 입금 방법을 선택하여 트레이딩 계에 자금을 입금할 수 있습니다. 통해 클라이언트 포털에 로그인 후 원하는 계정에 "입금" 버튼을 클릭하신 후 입금 방법을 선택해주세요. 신용/직불 카드, PayPal 또는 은행 계좌가 본 이름으로 되어 있는지 확인해주세요. 참고: 타사 자금 지원은 받지 않습니다.

입금 시 에서는 추가 수수료가 발생하지 않습니다. 수수료가 발생할 시 자세한 내용은 결제 제공업체에 문의해주세요.

제 계정에서 어떻게 자금을 인출하나요?

자금 인출을 원하시면 클라이언트 포털에 로그인하여 "출금"을 클릭한 후 원하시는 출금 방법을 선택해주세요.

최대/최소 입금/출금 금액은 얼마인가요?

입출금 채널별 요구 사항에 따라 최소 입금 금액이 달라질 수 있습니다. 출금 상한선은 없습니다. 자세한 내용은 위의 입출금 방법 표를 참조하십시오.

계좌 잔액이 마이너스인 경우에도 입금이 가능한가요?

네, 마이너스 잔액이 있더라도 입금 기능은 계속해서 사용이 가능합니다. 마이너스 잔액을 상환하지 못한 경우, [email protected] 으로 이메일을 보내 탕감 신청을 할 수 있습니다. 그러나 이는 각각의 경우에 따라 검토 후 승인됩니다. 탕감 신청 결과는 1-3 영업일 정도 소요됩니다.

내 거래 계좌에서 다른 고객의 거래 계좌로 자금을 이체할 수 있나요?

불행하게도, 다른 고객의 거래 계좌로 자금을 이체할 수 없습니다. 저희의 규정 및 규제 요구 사항에 따라 제3자 결제나 두 개의 당사자 간 이체가 금지되어 있습니다. 이는 저희가 고객들에게 최고의 규정 준수 및 금융 보안 기준을 계속 제공하기 위하기에 이해 부탁드립니다.

내부계좌이체도 가능한가요?

예, 동일한 프로필 내에서 내부계좌 이체를 진행 하실 수 있습니다. FXT 클라이언트 포털에 로그인하여 "계 관리" 섹션에서 '계좌 간 이체'를 클릭한 다음 지시에 따라 진행하시면 됩니다.
알림: 자금 이체 시 오픈 포지션을 고려해주세요.
두 개의 프로필 간에 계좌 이체를 원하시면 내부 이체 요청을 [email protected] 으로 보내주세요 또는 저희 채팅 창을 통해 문의해 주세요.

입금이 거래 계좌에 반영되는 데 얼마나 걸리나요?

저희 서비스를 통해 거래 계좌에 자금을 더욱 신속하고 편리하게 입금할 수 있도록

지원하고 있습니다.
즉시 입금을 원하시면 다음의 충전 방법 하나를 선택하세요:

유니온 페이
은행 송금
그러나 은행 송금을 통해 계정을 충전하는 경우 은행의 처리 속도에 따라 최대 1-3 영업일이 소요될 수 있습니다.

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